
Cheryl Pawson [e-mail] [www]
Cheryl is a 21-year old girlie studying Psychology & Computing at Bournemouth University, and is the only person on this page who I actually had the pleasure(!) of going to school with as well!

Cheryl is probably the only living exception to the classic stereotype; 'all blondes are bimbos' - has many numerous talents, notably lifeguarding, extreme tolerance to alcohol (she has yet to prove this one, folks!), an uncanny ability to complete coursework against incalculable odds, and lots of other wonderful ones to boot :-))

Cheryl Pawson
Alban Milroy
Alban Milroy [e-mail] [www]
Alban is currently in his final year studying for his BSc in Computer Science at Anglia Polytechnic, Cambridge.

Like me, he enjoys computer programming; and playing with stuff like SNES9x and MAME, quite likely the only person who will deserve his BSc when he gets it - actually understands why assembly coding is used instead of C/C++ and the infinite wisdom as to why Windoze is a pile of steaming dog-turd!

Regardless of whether academia judges him to have a better knowledge of Computer Science than I have; I still reserve the right to shout 'Lamer!' in his poor little lugholes :)

Dave Marper [e-mail] [www]
It's a bit difficult to sum up Dave 'Marpz' Marper in the short space I have here; hopeless tea addict, couch potato, greasy arse (because he can't stay in his seat for long periods), and those are just his good points :P~~

Dave lives in the nearby town of sunny Mablethorpe; and is the typical noisy neighbour - having just bought a new pair of mega-marvelloso-splendido speakers for his personal computer.... maybe you should have bought the folks next door some earplugs ?

Works full-time for the local council providing excellent surveying skills to the general public; actually met him while we were both studying at North Lincolnshire College, he has a strange sense of humour and always has a witty sexual innuendo to hand; but all those single girls out there, you can sleep easy; Mr. Marper is married *g*

Dave Marper
Cat Rogers
Cat Rogers [e-mail] [www]
Cat is seventeen years old, a college student, lives 'in between' Manchester and Liverpool, and strangely enough, she's female :)

She is studying for her 'A' levels at college; attempting to learn the finer points of such amazingly interesting stuff like psychology and physics - quite chatty, as she shares my zany sense of humour, enjoys my massive collection of Weird Al MP3s, and more often than not we have a good natter about life in general and how good/bad it is!

For some reason I cannot fathom, she actually *likes* the Backstreet Boys; but as she clearly states on her own home page, she is MAD!

Andrew Jackson [e-mail] [www]
Andy is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to computers; although he is still studying for a HND in Computer Science at Boston College, he will only use 'telnet' to connect to ports which are more than 2 digits in length...

This is obviously due to his staple diet of MUDs; I honestly don't know whether he is any good at them but as he is a Linux user; I suppose I can forgive him for wasting all that bandwidth :-)

Apart from all that, Andy is a good old soul; when he isn't logged into a MUD, fighting wizards and farting at trolls, he works at Tesco in Boston; and although I don't know how far up the promotional ladder he has climbed since he last called me - I am sure that trolley collection duty is now a distant memory *g*

Andrew Jackson
Kevin Adams
Kevin Adams [e-mail] [www]
Kevin is a 36-year old cable installer who works for NTL; he lives in Nottingham and spends most of his spare time either getting pissed at the local pub or attempting to thrash me at Unreal Tournament and failing miserably :)

Spends an amazing amount of time trying to get Linux working on his PC; and often calls me at the most 'awkward' times of day - sometimes he could just read the manual but that would be too easy for Kev!

Earned the nickname 'Kevin The Gerbil'; simply because he shares the same first name as Roland Rat's counterpart, not that I used to watch Mr. Rat on television when I was a little child of course :) - often leads to great fun with name-calling and the frequent insult-swapping that takes place over ICQ *g*

Author's Note: Yes, Kevin actually does look like this hand-drawn piccy :-)
This page has been *completely* revamped from the old pre-1999 version; and as such, I have removed quite a few people from here - many of whom I haven't heard from in a long time, and therefore have relinquished their place on this prestigious masterpiece of HTML to make way for others more worthy!

But, there are *still* some people who deserve a mention here, like Craig Humphries, Mark Dagley, Snelly and of course, the infamous Zerbey!

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